Creating a 3D City Model with ArcGIS CityEngine

Posted 6 months ago

By in the UNB Blog

This post demonstrates the process of constructing a 3D city model using ArcGIS CityEngine, leveraging data from sources like OpenStreetMap, including network, footprint, and terrain databases. The project is a component of the “3D Geographical Information Systems” course at the Geodesy and Geomatics Department, University of New Brunswick. 1. Collecting data Using the “Get Map […]

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LOD1 Generation Using ArcGIS Pro

Posted 6 months ago

By in the UNB Blog

This article aims to provide insights into LOD1 generation utilizing ArcGIS Pro within the context of the “3D Geographical Information Systems” course offered by the Geodesy and Geomatics Department at the University of New Brunswick. The process of constructing LOD1 involves three fundamental steps outlined below. 1. Understanding LOD1 LOD1, or Level of Detail 1, […]

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Remote and Direct Sensing: Merits of Mixed Method Protocols in Ecology

Posted 6 months ago

By in the UofT Blog

This summer I had the opportunity to design and carry out a week-long research project at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (RMBL) in Gothic, Colorado—as part of an ecology and evolutionary biology field course. RMBL is a renowned site for long-term ecological research, especially that pertaining to global climatic change. Gothic is situated in a […]

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Empowering GIS Workflows: Python and ArcGIS Pro Synergy

Posted 7 months ago

By in the UCalgary Blog

Introduction In the Fall semester of 2023, as part of the “Introduction to Programming in Geographic Information” course, a comprehensive project was undertaken: the creation of a Stratified Random Sampling Tool using Python within ArcGIS Pro. This tool was designed to aid soil scientists in selecting optimal sampling locations for a hypothetical research project focused […]

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Park Accessibility in Victoria, British Columbia using Daytime Population & Total Population.

Posted 7 months ago

By in the Western Blog

For my third year Transportation Geography & GIS term project, I delved into essential questions about park accessibility in Victoria, BC: Daytime vs. Total Population: What is the level of accessibility for parks using daytime population values in Victoria, BC? Comparative Analysis: What is the level of accessibility for parks using total population values in […]

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Getting Started with ArcGIS Experience Builder Dev Edition

Posted 7 months ago

By in the UW Blog

This post is part of a series on developing web maps, apps, and dashboards using Esri technology. This post will go over how to get started with ArcGIS Experience Builder Dev Edition, compare Experience Builder Dev to Experience Builder in ArcGIS Online and to the ArcGIS SDK for JavaScript, and provide some additional resources to […]

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