The Upscaling of Winter Wheat Aboveground Nitrogen Content Estimation Using Geostatistical Analysis

Posted 2 months ago

By in the Western Blog

Introduction Nitrogen is the most essential and demanded nutrient for plants [1]. It is also one of the most costly to supply, making commercial fertilizers a major expense in agriculture [2]. Nitrogen deficiency reduces crop growth and yields [3], while overapplication may have unwanted environmental impacts and cost of production [4]. Therefore, managing nitrogen fertilizers […]

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Emergency Response at the University of Western Ontario: Accessibility Analysis of Code Blue Emergency Phones

Posted 2 months ago

By in the Western Blog

Background University campuses are busy places, with thousands of students and faculty frequenting the grounds every day – and the University of Western Ontario is no exception. With 38,000 students enrolled in the Fall of 2022, this large number of young adults brings numerous safety concerns. (Western Communications, 2022). The following campus safety concerns were […]

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Park Accessibility in Victoria, British Columbia using Daytime Population & Total Population.

Posted 7 months ago

By in the Western Blog

For my third year Transportation Geography & GIS term project, I delved into essential questions about park accessibility in Victoria, BC: Daytime vs. Total Population: What is the level of accessibility for parks using daytime population values in Victoria, BC? Comparative Analysis: What is the level of accessibility for parks using total population values in […]

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Hospital and Park Accessibility in Vancouver, BC, Canada: A Geospatial Analysis

Posted 9 months ago

By in the Western Blog

For my third-year GIS final project, I decided to develop accessibility maps for two critical variables in selecting an ideal place to live in Vancouver, BC: hospitals and parks, as a young professional or recent graduate. The significance of these factors lies in their impact on our health and well-being. Why Hospitals and Parks? Hospitals […]

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Integrating Space, Time and Geography with ArcGIS Insights: A Case Study of COVID-19 Infection Rates in Ontario Public Health Regions From 2020 to 2022

Posted 1 year ago

By in the Western Blog

Introduction Tobler’s First Law of Geography “Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related to distant things” reminds us how geography plays an important role in the spatial pattern of things that we see everyday. However, when it comes to analysis involving human mobility, epidemiology, or any spatial data that contain […]

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The Importance of Careful File Naming

Posted 1 year ago

By in the Western Blog

When I was sitting in my courses learning how to use ArcGIS Pro to generate maps and analyze spatial data, I got the obligatory computer science warnings that come in any software course: put some thought into what you name your files.  I did my best to take it seriously at the time, but when […]

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Visualizing Climate Model Data using Simple Query Tools from ArcGIS Pro and Web-Based Geovisualization Features

Posted 2 years ago

By in the Western Blog

In my recent summer project as a NSERC-USRA student under the supervision of Dr. James Voogt, I was able to gain access to several datasets from Environment Canada that were not yet publicly avalilable, such as the “GEM-SURF (Global Environmental Multiscale Surface)” data. Our project focuses on using both the air temperature and surface temperature […]

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Doing Spatial Analysis with ArcGIS Online: A Reflection on Esri’s Going Places with Spatial Analysis MOOC

Posted 2 years ago

By in the Western Blog

In the past two months with the majority of my school works being completed, I was able to dedicate myself to one of Esri’s ongoing MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course), and attend their weekly exercises and webinars that talk about the different tools and concepts for conducting spatial analysis using ArcGIS Online. This six-weeks course […]

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