Exploring the Solar Rooftop Potential of Wortley Village/Old South in London, Ontario using ArcGIS Pro and LiDAR-derived DSM

Posted 2 years ago

By in the Western Blog

Over the weekend in my exploration of ArcGIS Notebooks, I came across this very interesting ArcGIS Pro Lesson by Esri Senior Product Engineer Delphine Khanna. Although it was not related to my initial plan of learning how to use ArcGIS Notebooks, the project happened to use ArcGIS Pro which I had installed a few days […]

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Uncovering the Power of Remote Sensing in Micrometeorological Studies

Posted 2 years ago

By in the Western Blog

In my third-year micrometeorology class with Dr.Voogt, we were assigned a course project to work in small groups throughout the term, and each group had to conduct a research project for related to microclimate or micrometeorology. The course covered a wide range of topics such as solar radiation budget, soil microclimates, surface temperatures, etc. For […]

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Using ArcGIS Pro and Python Notebooks to Look at The Interaction of Deer and Hunters in Oklahoma, USA

Posted 3 years ago

By in the Western Blog

Over the past summer I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Long here at Western University as a part of the Undergraduate Summer Research Internships program. I learned a tremendous amount about GIS software, particularly ArcGIS pro. I used this time to explore tools and features that I had not previously been taught in […]

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Mobility Patterns During COVID-19 with ArcGIS Insights

Posted 3 years ago

By in the Western Blog

I’m sure we’re all well aware of the many impacts that COVID-19 has had on our typical lives. Working from home, attending school from home, and limits on social gatherings have significantly reduced our mobility. The Geospatial Lab at Western University has been working on a project to look at how mobility has changed over […]

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Presenting at GIS Day 2020

Posted 4 years ago

By in the Western Blog

Like all other events, whether professional, academic or even social, GIS day events at Western went online this year. The organizers of GIS day at Western, Western Libraries, put together four days of free online lightning talks, workshops, demonstrations and networking sessions. Due to the online format, students and professionals from across and even outside […]

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Ideas for Displaying Categorical and Time-Based Data

Posted 4 years ago

By in the Western Blog

Deciding the best way to visualize your data is one of the most important steps in making sure that message is clear and understood by the reader. But when you are working with many different variables, it can be challenging to display them all together on one map to show the connections between different categorical […]

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