Integrating Space, Time and Geography with ArcGIS Insights: A Case Study of COVID-19 Infection Rates in Ontario Public Health Regions From 2020 to 2022

Posted 1 year ago


Introduction Tobler’s First Law of Geography “Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related to distant things” reminds us how geography plays an important role in the spatial pattern of things that we see everyday. However, when it comes to analysis involving human mobility, epidemiology, or any spatial data that contain […]

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Visualizing Climate Model Data using Simple Query Tools from ArcGIS Pro and Web-Based Geovisualization Features

Posted 2 years ago


In my recent summer project as a NSERC-USRA student under the supervision of Dr. James Voogt, I was able to gain access to several datasets from Environment Canada that were not yet publicly avalilable, such as the “GEM-SURF (Global Environmental Multiscale Surface)” data. Our project focuses on using both the air temperature and surface temperature […]

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Doing Spatial Analysis with ArcGIS Online: A Reflection on Esri’s Going Places with Spatial Analysis MOOC

Posted 2 years ago


In the past two months with the majority of my school works being completed, I was able to dedicate myself to one of Esri’s ongoing MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course), and attend their weekly exercises and webinars that talk about the different tools and concepts for conducting spatial analysis using ArcGIS Online. This six-weeks course […]

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Uncovering the Power of Remote Sensing in Micrometeorological Studies

Posted 2 years ago


In my third-year micrometeorology class with Dr.Voogt, we were assigned a course project to work in small groups throughout the term, and each group had to conduct a research project for related to microclimate or micrometeorology. The course covered a wide range of topics such as solar radiation budget, soil microclimates, surface temperatures, etc. For […]

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