Geospatial technology in the age of COVID-19

Posted 4 years ago


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the entire world. Universities and colleges were forced to rapidly move classes online, cities have implemented far-reaching physical distancing policies, and many businesses have closed or transitioned their options to remote, takeout, or delivery online models. This situation has demonstrated how interconnected our globalized world has become, and exposed existing […]

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Teaching with GIS

Posted 5 years ago


Geographic information systems (GIS) can be intimidating at first glance for the unfamiliar person.  Esri has made some excellent progress in developing more intuitive point-and-click applications such as ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro, however, there is a steep learning curve in using a GIS. Over this past term, I have had many opportunities to introduce […]

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My plan for ECCE blogging in 2020

Posted 5 years ago


Hello! I am excited to be back for another year of being a Student Associate of the Esri Canada Centre of Excellence program. I am a second-year Masters student at Western University, working with Dr. Jason Gilliland in the Department of Geography and Human Environments Analysis Lab. I have an Honours Bachelor’s of Environmental Studies […]

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Top 5 Reasons to Switch to ArcGIS Pro

Posted 5 years ago


Why you should switch to ArcGIS Pro ArcGIS Pro 1.0 was released way back in January 2015 as part of the 10.3 update. The new application has struggled to gain traction among the Esri user base like any new software release. However, I decided to finally make the switch from 10.7 to ArcGIS Pro 2.3 […]

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