ECCE App Challenge 2019 – Development and Design of a 3D Sustainability Web App

Posted 5 years ago


The App Challenge project discussed below can be viewed from the GISquad team’s profile on the ECCE GitHub website: Congratulations to Matt, Tasos and Michele for ranking as the first runner-up in the competition! This post is a collaboration between McMaster ECCE Student Associates Matt Brown and Anastassios Dardas. A few weeks ago, our […]

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Esri MOOC Review: “Cartography.” – A Great Free Resource

Posted 6 years ago


Education nowadays is extremely expensive. The average Canadian tuition cost for the 2017-18 school year was $6,571 – a 3.1% increase from the previous year (Statistics Canada, 2017). E-Learning platforms like Udemy, SkillShare, and Teachable are on the rise as more cost-effective ways of learning new skills or subjects. My university education has been extremely […]

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Esri DevSummit 2018 – My Experience Learning to Code in California

Posted 6 years ago


At the beginning of March, I got the opportunity to attend the 2018 Esri Developer’s Summit (DevSummit for short) along with my fellow McMaster Student Associate Tasos Dardas. This conference occurs annually in sunny Palm Springs, California. This is my second time attending, thanks to the ECCE Student Associates program, which provides free registration to […]

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GIS in Education and Research Conference – My Experience

Posted 7 years ago


This past Wednesday, October 11th, me and a few of my colleagues got the opportunity to attend the Esri Canada GIS in Education and Research conference at the University of Toronto campus. This conference occurs every two years and attracts educators and students in the field of GIS. It was my first time visiting the […]

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Interactive web app: Beer-Me

Posted 8 years ago


I’m currently enrolled in a fourth year course at McMaster called “Special Topics in GIS”. A recent class assignment we had was to create a mobile web application using the Web AppBuilder with ArcGIS Online. Together with my group member, Michael Kirchin, we created an app called Beer-Me, which allows users to find the nearest […]

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