I’m currently enrolled in a fourth year course at McMaster called “Special Topics in GIS”. A recent class assignment we had was to create a mobile web application using the Web AppBuilder with ArcGIS Online. Together with my group member, Michael Kirchin, we created an app called Beer-Me, which allows users to find the nearest retailer in the City of Hamilton that sells beer. Store hours are also provided. There are several widgets in the app:


About: Includes explanations on every feature of the app and how it works

“I’m Here, Where’s the Beer?” : Lets users input their address and find beer retailers within a certain distance

Directions: Gives users directions to any inputted address

Find a Retailer: Lets users query the retailers to find specific stores for each community of the city


Feel free to check our app here: https://mcmaster.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=eeefaa5ee3304632a4ca67faedcbf64b

This was the first app I’ve ever made so any feedback is welcome!



