The Privacy Implications of Smart Cities: Developing a Web App and Interactive Survey

Posted 5 years ago


Smart cities, and smart technologies, are emerging in many local contexts across Canada. Smart city technologies have quickly moved from development to adoption, often outpacing the social and political deliberations necessary to consider their effects in detail-particularly their effects on the privacy of Canadians (Bannerman, 2018). Dr. Sara Bannerman and her research team at McMaster […]

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App Challenge 2019, UPWIND

Posted 5 years ago


The App Challenge project that Rajveer discusses below can be viewed from his team’s profile on the ECCE GitHub website: Introduction This year I participated in the ECCE App Challenge for the second time. My teammates included Yorgan Pitt, Edward Seh-Taylor and Sean Leipe. Our app, UPWIND, is a web application that aims to […]

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Using Mobile GIS Applications to Collect Data in New Mexico, USA

Posted 6 years ago


This year I spent most of the summer in Utah and New Mexico, USA, collecting data for my undergraduate thesis, attending conferences related to petroleum geology, and helping process the data of Master’s and PhD students part of Dr.Bhattacharya’s Quantitative Sedimentology Laboratories. My work included recording GPS coordinates of ground control points (GCPs) used for image […]

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ECCE App Challenge – DayCare Finder

Posted 6 years ago


The ECCE App Challenge is a coding competition held by Esri Canada to help promote innovation and creativity within the Centres of Excellence. Apps powered by GIS technology and open data are created to help address a problem related to a specific theme which changes every year. Being my first year participating in the challenge, […]

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Motor Vehicle-Cyclist Collisions in the City of Toronto

Posted 6 years ago


With the gradual increase in environmental, economic and public health problems from the growing global community that uses motorized vehicles as their primary source of transportation, there has been a large interest in the use of bicycles as an alternative form of transportation. Despite the benefits of cycling, studies have shown that people are discouraged […]

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Land Flooding Tool for ArcMap generated using Python

Posted 7 years ago


This year I enrolled into GEOG 4GS3: GIS Programming offered at McMaster University. The course offers advanced treatment of GIS focusing on the creation of scripts to enhance productivity by automating time-consuming and repetitive tasks. Some of the learning outcomes include understanding the fundamental components of the Python language, developing Python scripts, working with the […]

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