SolVES 3.0: A Software to Map Social Values in Marine Spatial Planning

Posted 7 years ago


Marine spatial planning (MSP) is now recognized internationally as an important part of marine and coastal management. MSP offers a tool for policymakers to demarcate specific areas of distinct stakeholder values when managing shared-use spaces. This process places public participation, communication, and collaboration at the centre of ocean governance (Nutters & Pinto da Silva, 2012). […]

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Swooning Over Ocean Maps: Studying Mahia, by the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute

Posted 7 years ago


  In the 1940s, the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute commissioned a survey to the country’s east. Over the course of the next fifteen years, the Institute mapped the ocean floor, and charted many of the species living in the largely-unknown waters of the South Pacific Ocean surrounding the island nation. Ultimately, the project was responsible […]

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Marine Pollution and the Halifax Harbour: an Introduction

Posted 8 years ago


A naval submarine coasts towards port in the Halifax Harbour. Simon Ryder-Burbidge, 2016. In Halifax, people are passionate about the ocean. Steeped in sea-faring tradition and leading the nation in seafood export today, Nova Scotia is, in many ways, defined by the highly productive waters of the Northwest Atlantic, and the many inhabitants that share […]

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