ActivScore: A Physical Activity Potential Score for Nova Scotia

Posted 4 years ago


Chronic illness is a prevalent concern, especially in Canada where it accounts for a high proportion of annual mortalities (Statistics Canada, 2017). Encouraging physical activity is important to prevent chronic illness, increase the overall mental and physical well being of the population, and increase the use of active transportation to facilitate more sustainable communities (Booth, […]

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Presenting at the User Conference in Halifax

Posted 5 years ago


In early November I attended my first Esri Canada User Conference in Halifax and had the opportunity to present my honours research along with other researchers in the higher education and research stream. It was exciting to be presenting along with students from across the Maritimes and sharing our new research developments using GIS! It […]

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Discovering Data for the ActivScore: The Challenges of using Municipally, Provincially, and Federally Managed Data

Posted 5 years ago


I’m currently in the midst of my undergraduate honours thesis and have been awoken to the joys of finding accurate and complete datasets. I am working to create a physical activity score for the province of Nova Scotia based on built and natural environment features. Nova Scotia is particularly challenging for this sort of analysis […]

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GIS as a Tool to Solve “Wicked” Problems

Posted 5 years ago


This year I am three quarters done my undergraduate degree in Environmental Science and had the opportunity to take “Application of GIS in Environmental and Ecological Issues” at Dalhousie University as a part of my certificate in GIS. One of the first things I learned in my first year of environmental science was that environmental […]

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