Do Separated Bike Lanes Increase Bike Share Traffic? Using ArcGIS Pro and ArcPy to determine Hamilton Bike Share’s Ridership Changes

Posted 2 years ago


Hi everyone! It’s been a while since my last post, but I’ve been busy working on a component of my MSc thesis at McMaster’s TransLAB (Transportation Research Lab). The research is investigating the impacts of separated cycling infrastructure on Hamilton Bike Share ridership, along the affected road links. Active Transportation, and particularly cycling, are becoming […]

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How food secure/insecure are Hamilton’s neighbourhoods? Using Python and ArcGIS’s Network Analyst Module to map Hamiltonians’ access to healthy food

Posted 4 years ago


My name is Daniel Van Veghel, and I am a fourth year Arts & Science student at Mac. I am working to complete my Minor in GIS, and this semester I am taking “GIS Programming” through Mac’s School of Earth, Environment and Society. The course aims to show how Python can be a useful tool […]

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