Learning with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Posted 7 years ago


This past February I was fortunate enough to take the Introduction to Web Development Using ArcGIS API for JavaScript course offered by Esri Canada through the ECCE program. This was the first time I have taken a course through Esri as well as the first online programming course I have taken. The course was 3 […]

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Karl Chastko – ECCE Student Associate at McMaster

Posted 7 years ago


Karl Chastko is the subject of this spotlight article as one of McMaster’s top students in ECCE program. He has submitted winning entries in the two most recent story map competitions (the Esri Global Content Challenge, and the International Year of Global Understanding storymap competition). This year I will be graduating from McMaster University where […]

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Competing in the Esri Global Content Challenge

Posted 8 years ago


This year, as part of a course project in McMaster’s Special Topics in GIS class, I completed and submitted an Esri story map journal to the Esri Global Content Challenge. When my professor Pat DeLuca announced that our class would be competing in this competition is was I was excited to design my own story […]

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Exciting Course Work in Geography 4GT3

Posted 8 years ago


As an ECCE, McMaster University offers a long list of great GIS courses. This year I am enrolled in the Special Topics in GIS course. I have been looking forward to taking this course since second year mostly because of the exciting content that it covers related to topics such as mobile and web GIS, […]

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Impressions from the 2016 Esri Developer Summit: Karl Chastko

Posted 8 years ago


Karl Chastko is a 4th year undergraduate student and ECCE Student Associate from the School of Geography and Earth Sciences at McMaster University. You can follow Karl on Twitter @KarlChastko. This year, I have been fortunate enough to attend three Esri conferences: the Toronto User Conference, the GIS in Education and Research Conference, and finally, […]

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Highlights from the GIS in Education and Research Conference

Posted 8 years ago


Karl Chastko is a 4th year undergraduate student and ECCE Student Associate from the School of Geography and Earth Sciences at McMaster University. You can follow Karl on Twitter @KarlChastko. The GIS in Education and Research Conference held this past November at Hart House at the University of Toronto was a great chance to see […]

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Impressions from the Toronto User Conference: Karl Chastko

Posted 9 years ago


Karl Chastko is a student from the School of Geography and Earth Sciences at McMaster University. On October 14th, he along with several of his McMaster colleagues were able to attend the Esri Canada Toronto User Conference. Karl discusses how meeting and learning from like-minded GIS people helped him get the most out of his […]

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