My Experience as a Student Associate with the SFU ECCE

Posted 5 years ago


In addition to writing about his experiences as an ECCE student associate below, Anthony Lee was also a member of the winning App Challenge team last year, and joined us along with his teammates at the Esri International User Conference in 2018. You can view their team profile and live app demo hosted from the […]

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Linking App-Building and Cartography – Experiences from the 2016 Esri Canada App Challenge

Posted 7 years ago


Hi Everyone, Congratulations to the winners and participants of the 2017 Esri Canada App Challenge! With the recent conclusion of the 2017 Esri Canada App Challenge, I’ve decided to write about my overall positive experiences with the 2016 Esri Canada App Challenge. Some of the students in my multimedia cartography (GEOG 351) class  participated in […]

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Useful Tools for Making Maps with ArcGIS

Posted 8 years ago


As a student associate with the ECCE at SFU, I was allowed to take two free ESRI Canada instructor-led courses. One of these courses was Designing Maps with ArcGIS. I personally think that I have a pretty solid foundation but ArcGIS but I enrolled in this class with the hope that it would teach me […]

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Attending the Esri Canada User Conference – Vancouver

Posted 8 years ago


I recently attended the Esri Canada User Conference in Vancouver which was held at the Vancouver Convention Centre. The conference was filled with a variety of technical presentations from Esri as well as several presentations from local users. During the morning presentations, several different software and ArcGIS extensions were presented. The two that peaked my […]

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GIS Software Algorithms: Same Analysis and Different Results

Posted 8 years ago


It is customary for spatial analysts to assume the implementation of various GIS software algorithms would produce the same results. If this was the case, then any errors or inaccuracies would only be a function of the input data sets and user errors. During one of my remote sensing lectures from a previous semester, my […]

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Introduction – Anthony Lee

Posted 8 years ago


Hi Everyone, My name is Anthony Lee and I am a 3rd year student at Simon Fraser University. I am a Geography major but I am also doing certificate programs in GIS and Environmental Literacy. For the next 8 months, I will be away from campus for a co-op practicum. I will be working for […]

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