Using ArcGIS and MCDM to Generate a Residential Solar Panel Suitability Map for the City of Airdrie

Posted 5 years ago


Motivation Behind this Project The world׳s energy demand is growing fast because of population growth and technological advancements. It is therefore important to look for a reliable, cost-effective, and renewable energy source to meet rising energy demand in the future. Solar energy, among other renewable sources of energy, is a cost-efficient energy source. Furthermore, solar […]

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Valuable Experience from the 2019 ECCE App Challenge

Posted 5 years ago


Check out more details about the App Challenge team ‘Awesome Engineers’ and the app that Xuyang Han writes about below on the team’s profile page. Earlier this year, three engineering students at York University, Xuyang Han, Muhammad Usman and Aman Ullah attended the 2019 Esri App Challenge. I would like to share this valuable experience […]

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