Going Beyond the Horizons of ArcGIS Desktop

Posted 6 years ago


Any of you visiting the Centre of Excellence or visiting Esri’s main site is likely a user of ArcGIS products, especially ArcGIS Desktop and to certain extent ArcGIS Online. What the academic courses taught you are the GIS concepts, how to think like a GIScientist, and how to use the tools, mainly ArcGIS Desktop. But […]

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What is GeoAI?

Posted 6 years ago


DevSummit 2018 This past early March, my fellow McMaster Student Associate, Matt Brown and I had the opportunity to attend to the 2018 Esri Developer’s Summit located in Palm Springs, California. As Matt mentioned in his recent blog, this is our second time attending, all huge thanks to the ECCE Student Associates Program. Last year, […]

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Webscraping in GIS

Posted 7 years ago


Data in the Digital Age Data is the foundation of insightful information for research and organizations, and thus drives their successes. The critical role that data plays in our society has led to a race to collect and mine data. Over the course of the 20th century, incredible methods such as the introduction of Neilson […]

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Blending R’s Hidden Gem and WebGIS Development: A Live Case

Posted 7 years ago


My teammates, Karl Chastko and Spencer Elford, and I competed this years Esri’s App Challenge on sustainable transportation. The development of our app (check it out) was something unique from the standard way of web development (i.e. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). Some of you guys may be thinking, “What’s so unique?” Others may think that […]

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Why GIS and Computer Science Should Integrate Together?

Posted 8 years ago


McMaster University hosted GIS Day (Nov. 18th – even though the official day was two days before) and we had presentations from a variety of applied disciplines and workshops. I presented the development side of GIS including last year’s ECCE App Challenge by ESRI. For this, I’m going to talk about the presentation, especially the […]

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