Hello everyone! My name is James and I am a 4th year student at Western University. Currently, I am working towards an Honours BSc in Geographic Information Science. As a child, I was very interested in maps. One year, my parents gifted me an atlas, and I would examine the maps almost every night. At that age, I didn’t even understand everything I was looking at. As I grew older, I discovered how much I loved playing city building games. I would spend many days after school playing SimCity 3000 on the family computer. As well, I have always seen the importance in being educated on social and environmental issues. Today, I appreciate how the field of GIS allows me to perform work that combines my passions for technology, the social environment, and the physical environment. Throughout my university experience, I have primarily focused more on empirical methods of analysis. Remote sensing is one sub-discipline that has really grabbed my interest. Being able to utilize technological advances to capture information about our Earth is invaluable to solving some of the most important problems we face. I look forward to sharing some of the work I have been doing this semester!

(What I look like)