ECCE App Challenge Rules and Tips
The ECCE App Challenge is a coding competition held by Esri Canada to help promote innovation and creativity within the Centres of Excellence. Each year, teams of students at ECCE schools across Canada are tasked to create new and unique apps powered by Esri technology and open data to help address a problem related to a specific theme. The theme chosen for the this year’s challenge is Sustainable Transportation.
This year’s App Challenge 2017 concluded on March 31st, and apps submitted by the competing teams have been assembled and published to our GitHub repository. You may visit our GitHub account homepage to view profiles of teams, access their pitch videos via YouTube, and interact with live demos of their apps.
Three external judges volunteered to evaluate all of the teams submitted apps, documentation, and videos. Aggregated results were used to rank the teams submissions, and select the winners with the best overall scores.
The winning team for 2017 is:
Team Sweet e-Motion from York University
Esri Canada is pleased to congratulate Stephen Kosmachuk, Justine Abdelshahid, and Benjamin Brunson, who win a trip to this year’s Esri User Conference in San Diego. Honourable mentions also go to the first and second runners-up:
Team Earth Link from University of Waterloo
Marauders-mAPP from McMaster University
In order to register your team for the ECCE App Challenge, you must contact the ECCE director at your school. Provide your director with the names and email addresses of your team members, and choose a team name.
After the judges have reviewed all of the submitted apps, a winning team will be chosen. Winners will be awarded an all expenses paid trip for all team members to the Esri User Conference in San Diego, California (June 10-14, 2017).
Github is a website and hosting service based on the Git distributed revision control system. It allows you to easily share code and facilitates collaborative software development. You may create your own Github account so that you can easily download and contribute to open source projects. Please do not publish your App Challenge projects publicly on your own GitHub account until all submissions have been posted to the ECCE GitHub repository first.. If you would like track your source code revisions as you work on the app challenge, you can uses a local Git repository to track changes and coordinate distributed revisions to the app’s code among your team members.
Please email a ZIP file of your app and the required deliverables to ecce@esri.ca (if necessary, coordinate with us if you need to exchange large files). Once all submissions have been received from teams at all schools, they will be published in the the ECCE App Challenge 2017 Github repository.
Three individuals from key areas of education and industry were selected to volunteer as judges for this year’s App Challenge:
Open data are freely available data sets that anybody can use without restrictions. There are many different sources where you can obtain open data from, for example:
We’ve put together a series of videos to help you get started with the ECCE App Challenge:
Please subscribe to the Esri Canada Centres of Excellence YouTube channel to keep up to date with the latest ECCE videos.
Once you and your team have come up with a general idea for your app, one of the best places to start would be the ECCE Resources page. You can find many useful developer-oriented materials to help you build your app by using the tags listed to filter resources. You can also check out some of the example projects hosted on the ECCE Github page for inspiration. Lastly, if you need help to develop your strategy to succeed in the App Challenge, enroll in the free ArcGIS App Strategies training seminar.
If you have any questions related to the ECCE App Challenge, please feel free to ask them in the comments below, contact your ECCE director, or contact us by email (ecce@esri.ca). Good luck!